6 Ways to Deepen Your Prayer Life

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Story by Michele Joseph

You don’t need any special gifts or abilities,” says Tamyra Horst, Prayer Ministries coordinator for the Pennsylvania Conference, on being a prayer warrior. “You just need a willingness, an honest heart and a tenacity to not give up.” Here are a few tips from Horst and other prayer warriors in the Columbia Union.

Make God first: You’ve got to remove self. If God’s not first, who is?—Saundra Austin

Pray Scripture: Claim God’s Word; pray it back to Him.—Tamyra Horst

Give fasting a chance: It deepens the prayer experience.—TH

Be real: Don’t worry about what your words sound like when you pray aloud. Swallow that fear about what other people are going to think about your words, and go for it.—TH

Praise God: When we get impatient or we can’t see what is happening, then praise Him. Praise puts our attention on Him.—Ruthie Jacobsen, retired prayer coordinator for the North American Division

Endure: God wants to teach us endurance, dependence and trust. If He always answered our prayers in the same way, that would be bad. Then we would look to the answer and not to Him. He wants us to get to know Him.—RJ

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