Three Regional Potomac Camp Meetings Scheduled for 2017

camp meeting tent by daniel novta on flickr

Story by Bill Miller

The Bible reminds us that “for where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them” (Matt. 18:20, NIV). No matter the size of the group, when we gather in His name, His presence is there. What a great promise and privilege!

This year we will be opening a new chapter of camp meeting experiences. We look forward to growing together as disciples, enriching our relationship with Jesus and equipping ourselves to be about His mission.

Three regional camp meetings are planned for 2017. We hope these opportunities will provide an atmosphere where people feel encouraged to get involved and become more engaged while tailoring events to reach the needs of specific communities. Local pastoral leadership in concert with the Pastoral Ministries department team will plan the theme, duration, location and activities for these camp meeting experiences.

Southern Virginia: June 9-11 | Camp Hopetree, Blue Ridge, Va.

Northern Virginia: June 17 | Hylton Memorial Chapel, Woodbridge, Va.

Hispanic Camp Meeting: June 23-25 | Location to be determined

More information will be announced on as it becomes available. A conference-wide camp meeting is scheduled for next year, June 19-23, 2018. Join with us as we pray that these gatherings will be opportunities to inspire us to be about His mission in our communities.

Bill Miller is president of the Potomac Conference.