
Juan Prestol-Puesán, General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists Treasurer speaks at the meeting. | Photo by Adventist News Network

Par Adventist News Network / ANN

Alors que la Division Nord-Américaine verse actuellement 5,85% de sa dîme pour soutenir le travail de l'Eglise Adventiste du Septième Jour dans le monde entier, les délégués au Concile Annuel 2019 ont voté pour que, d'ici 2030, les 13 divisions de l'église mondiale remettent chacune un montant équivalant à 3% de leur dîme à la Conférence Générale.

En réponse à l'avertissement émis par le Concile  Annuel de la Conférence Générale de 2019, le Comité Exécutif de l'Union de Fédérations  de Columbia a voté pour « affirmer et exprimer son soutien indéfectible à la primauté de la Parole de Dieu; à la mission et aux  croyances fondamentales de l'Église Adventiste du Septième Jour; à la croyance en la prophétie de Joël 2: 28-29; aux femmes pasteurs, aux anciens et dirigeants qui servent selon les règlements ; et au leadership de l’union. »

Déclaration votée le 17 novembre 2019

image by MotionStudios on Pixabay

Fairness For All protects both religious institutions and people of faith from being forced to violate their conscience in the areas of sexual orientation and gender identity.  While the bill itself runs nearly 70 pages, its major religious liberty protections can be distilled as follows:

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Story by Bettina Krause, Melissa Reid, and Dan Weber

On Friday, December 6, 2019, the Fairness for All Act was launched in Washington, D.C., by Congressman Chris Stewart (Utah-R), with support from several religious groups and coalitions. Fairness for All (FFA) is centered on two core beliefs: no American should lose their home or job simply for being lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender; and no religious person should be forced to live, work, or serve their community in ways that violate their faith. Below is a commentary describing FFA's importance and why Adventists support this bill.

Story by V. Michelle Bernard

Pastor Robert Cominsky, a member of New Jersey Conference’s Robbinsville church, and a longtime volunteer pastor in the conference, recently passed away in a fire at his home on Amboy Avenue.

Though confined to a wheelchair, Cominsky was an active elder and volunteer at the Robbinsville church and local community, and had served as a volunteer pastor in the conference for the past two decades.

“We are saddened to announce the passing of Pastor Robert Comisky,” says Mario Thorp, executive secretary for the conference. “He was a strong Bible-based preacher and a passionate supporter of Adventist education.”

Memorial plans are still to be determined.

Professional chef Mark Anthony provides a cooking school training, hosted by the Findlay church.

Story by Michael Stough II

Throughout the yearlong journey with Disciple Ohio—a complete member involvement initiative—Ohio Conference church members have been encouraged to think big and outside the box. The Findlay (Ohio) church took this to heart and recently hosted a cooking school by noted professional chef Mark Anthony. They began the planning stages during the summer months, to put invitations into the hands of fairgoers at the Hancock County Fair. 

Busy at work by Emma Howard from Flickr

Editorial by Jerry Lutz

There are many today who are too busy for spiritual things. Not just those who reject the gospel, but even Bible-believing, church-going people. Like those in the parable Jesus told of the wedding banquet (Matt. 22:1–14), today some have "fields," business matters or excuses that keep them from faith in the One who brings salvation.

Story by Elizabeth Long

In response to the statewide emergency medical technician (EMT) shortage, Kettering Health Network’s Kettering Mobile Care leaders are going to pay tuition and full-time wages for 24 candidates who attend the EMT Academy at Butler Tech in Liberty Twp. The eight-week class begins January 6, 2020.

Kettering Mobile Care is Kettering Health Network’s medical transportation service whose vehicles are dedicated solely to transporting patients into and out of the health system’s hospitals, emergency departments and outpatient facilities.

Chesapeake Map

Story by Andre Hastick

There are 50 areas within the Chesapeake Conference that need a Seventh-day Adventist Church presence, says David Klinedinst, Evangelism and Church Growth director for the conference. To address this gap in church-to-population ratio, the conference has officially adopted a plan to plant 35 new churches by the year 2025.

“It’s part of the gospel commission,” says Klinedinst. “The early Adventist church was always a churchplanting movement, so it’s time to rediscover our roots. And this will help us depend more on Christ because this is something we cannot do alone.”

Editorial by William T. Cox, Sr.
Image by Mohamed Hassan on Pixabay

God has done amazing things in the Allegheny West Conference in 2019. This year has looked a lot better than in years past. Between 2018–19, we were able to eliminate a total of $1.5 million of debt. We also ended last year with the highest tithe amount in our conference’s history. And as we near the end of 2019, we are projecting to exceed that mark.