Chesapeake Conference

Historia de V. Michelle Bernard

La iglesia Atholton de la Conferencia de Chesapeake en Columbia, Maryland, se encontraba entre las muchas iglesias alrededor de la Unión de Columbia que organizaron reuniones de evangelismo de otoño centradas en la comunidad. Además de las presentaciones del pastor principal Franke Zollman, tituladas “En busca del significado: arqueología y la Biblia”, se invitó a los asistentes a ver su colección de artefactos de los tiempos b.blicos.

Origami Hearts by Josey from Flickr

Editorial by Rick Remmers

He who sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and he who sows bountifully will also reap bountifully” (2 Cor. 9:6, NKJV). While we often reference this passage in the context of financial giving, it speaks to a larger principle in our lives—we reap what we sow.

Praying Woman Hands by Long Thiên from Flickr

Editorial by Gary Gibbs

As the evangelist preached to the crowd gathered at a stadium in Africa, a spiritual battle was raging behind the stage platform. A woman was writhing, kicking and foaming at the mouth. Her deep, gruff voice sent shivers up my spine as I and others prayed for her to be freed from tormenting demons. Through prayer in the name of Jesus, a peaceful calm ultimately swept over her, and she left that night free and happy.

Pastor Franke Zollman displays an artifact.

Story by V. Michelle Bernard

Many churches around the Columbia Union are hosting community-focused fall evangelism meetings as part of the recently announced “Share the Light—Share the Hope” evangelism initiative. 

Chesapeake Conference's Atholton church in Columbia, Md., hosted one of these meetings. In addition to Senior Pastor Franke Zollman's presentations, titled "In Search of Meaning: Archaeology and the Bible," attendees were invited to see his collection of artifacts from Bible times.

Venue to Evangelism

Story by V. Michelle Bernard

Seven years after battling breast cancer, Jennifer Wakefield, who attends Chesapeake Conference’s New Hope church in Fulton, Md., is trying to spread the message that there is life after a difficult diagnosis. And she’s doing it while wearing a crown.

Wakefield was named Mrs. Maryland International 2019 in March. As part of her duties, she makes public appearances hoping to inspire others on their journeys and seeks to encourage those with breast cancer through care packages.