Ohio Conference

Spencer and Eva Hannah will be serving at Spring Valley Academy.

Story by Angela Peach

Spring Valley Academy (SVA) is pleased to welcome Spencer Hannah as the 2023–24 interim principal. With Darren Wilkins accepting the position of vice president for Student Life at Walla Walla University (Wash.) after 10 years as principal, the Board of Trustees faced the nearly impossible task of replacing him. But with Hannah retiring from College View Academy in Lincoln, Neb., in June, God led the board to offer him to fill the position.

photo by crusty da klown/flickr

Editorial by Bob Cundiff

A few months ago, I sat through an excellent Sabbath School discussion where we tackled the tricky question of “the conference as the storehouse.” You can imagine how my role as conference president and guest speaker for the day adds spice to any discussion in which the conference can be seen as the beneficiary.

The study presented the usual questions: “Where is the storehouse? Why is it there?
Is that biblical?” As I listened to the discussion, a question arose in my mind that seemed to inform the discussion in a way that I found helpful. Rather than being a question of geography (Where is it?), our position on this question is informed by our identity (Who are we?).