Chesapeake Conference

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“The angel of the Lord encamps around those who fear Him, and He delivers them” (Ps. 34:7, NIV).

I was living in St. Croix, the U.S. Virgin Islands, with my wife, Marlene, and baby daughter, Priscilla. Two of my wife’s siblings, Ruven and Beth, were visiting, and we went to the beach, which was noticeably empty.

In the afternoon, Ruven, Beth and I went into the water. Shortly after, an undertow began to pull us out to sea. Ruven and Beth held onto their floats and made it back to shore. I, thinking I’d be able to stand, jumped off the float. Fear overwhelmed me as I realized the undercurrent had dragged me close to the 1,000-foot drop, famous for its scuba diving.

“When Jesus heard what had happened, He withdrew by boat privately to a solitary place” (Matt. 14:13, NIV).

Are you grieving today? This pain cuts to the core and is deeper than just a bad day. It’s bigger than a pint of ice cream or a walk around the block that can handle. Sadly, we may feel as though we must carry these emotions alone. It’s in these times that the support of loved ones, and even complete strangers, is so needed.

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“Casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you” (1 Pet. 5:7, NKJV).

It had been a difficult and long month. Rent was due, and we were running out of diapers and food. We were going crazy.

On Friday evening, after our “Sabbath Welcome” worship, I prayed, “Lord, I can’t carry these worries into the Sabbath. I’m just going to give them to you! I know You will take care of us.” At that moment, an amazing peace entered my heart. Our Sabbath day was a delight. So much so that when Monday came around, I was still at peace.

Photo by Mi Hlan Za

Story by Andrew S. Lay

If you were to walk the grounds of Chesapeake Conference's Highland View Academy (HVA), the names of the buildings might remind you of those dedicated Seventh-day
Adventist workers and members who had the foresight to build a place where generations of young people could obtain an Adventist Christian education.