Chesapeake Conference

Brad Barnwell photographed Elmer Herrera

Historia por Andre Hastick

Elmer Herrera y su familia se mudaron a Frederick, MD, a principios de la década de 2000. Él y su esposa, Olivia, ya habían ayudado a establecer iglesias en Hyattsville y Laurel, Maryland, y estaban ansiosos por volver a hacerlo cerca de su nuevo hogar.

Se unieron a un pequeño grupo que nalmente surgió como la iglesia hispana de Frederick en la Conferencia de Chesapeake. Pero Elmer, que dirige un pequeño negocio de pintura, dice que la iglesia estaba demasiado lejos de la comunidad hispana y quería comenzar otro grupo.

Interview by V. Michelle Bernard

Through her book, One Thing I Ask, Debbie Luther Howell wants to lead Christians back to knowing God through His Word.

Through her book, One Thing I Ask, Debbie Luther Howell wants to lead Christians back to knowing God through His Word. “I want them to have a passion for the Bible because when they open its pages they sense His very presence,” says the member of the Chesapeake Conference’s New Hope church in Fulton, Md. Read our interview with Howell below:

Visitor Magazine: How has praying through the Bible impacted you personally?