Chesapeake Conference
Story by Daniel Granderson / Image by Mars P on Flickr
The four pillars of STEM—science, technology, engineering and mathematics—already shape nearly every aspect of our lives, and Adventist educational leaders, if interested in staying relevant in a business-minded world, must embrace its effects. It’s becoming clear that American business leaders of tomorrow are the STEM students of today.
Highland View Academy’s STEM certificate program launched this year with approximately 30 students enrolled. These students benefit from an intensive but well-rounded education that especially prepares them to pursue STEM-related college majors. New STEM classes include integrated STEM, anatomy and physiology, project-based learning, robotics, iOS app development and a pilot of Maryland’s new advanced placement Computer Science Principles course.
Story by Lori Zerne
This summer Charleston, S.C., has been in the news because of the racially motivated massacre of nine African-Americans attending a Bible study and prayer service at the Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church. A young, white man entered the house of worship and, after an hour, pulled out a gun and began his murderous rampage.
Editorial by Rick Remmers, Chesapeake Conference president
Words seem to fail in describing and condemning the horror of such racist and violent actions. While news outlets have covered many aspects of this disturbing story, there is a perspective from the Bible that needs to be considered.
The first angel’s message reads, “And I saw another angel fly in the midst of heaven, having the everlasting gospel to preach unto them that dwell on the Earth, and to every nation, and kindred, and tongue, and people” (Rev. 14:6).
The Creation Debate: Why Does it Matter if it Happened in Six Literal Days?
Story by Edwin Manuel Garcia
A decades-old dispute within Seventh-day Adventism about when and how the Earth was developed may have been settled to the liking of the church’s top officials and a majority of its worldwide delegates this summer at the 60th General Conference (GC) Session in San Antonio. However, the intra-denominational conflict doesn’t look like it’s about to cease.