Columbia Union News

Story by V. Michelle Bernard

Rubén Ramos, the Columbia Union Conference’s vice president for Multilingual Ministries, regularly hears stories of immigrant members afraid of deportation. One local church leader from Alexandria, Va., recently approached him, asking for prayer after her husband, a legal resident of the United States, was arrested and threatened with deportation. Ramos says she was also worried about her status, but said, “If they deport me. I’ll go to El Salvador and plant another church.”

Henry J. Fordham (pictured speaking above), president of the Allegheny East Conference, shared a story of two members from an Indonesian congregation who were recently arrested after submitting immigration applications. “People are living in fear,” he said. “Our members need to know that we care.”

Historia de V. Michelle Bernard

Dios espera que pensemos cuidadosamente el camino a tomar, y las organizaciones tienen encrucijadas, decisiones que nos impactarán en los próximos años”, dijo Dave Weigley (foto, izquierda) en el Retiro del Comité Ejecutivo de la Conferencia de la Unión de Columbia en el mes de marzo.

Durante el retiro, los miembros del comité revisaron la misión y los valores de la Unión y votaron seis prioridades que informarán y guiarán las actividades de la Unión para el resto del quinquenio 2016-2021.