Chesapeake Conference

Spencerville Adventist Academy students participate in the 2023 Career Day with teacher Lynette Sigh.

Story by Heidi Wetmore

Spencerville Adventist Academy (SAA) recently held its second annual Career Day for the entire student body, grades pre-K to 12.

“The theme ‘Called to Serve,’ helped students understand that God is calling them to serve Him no matter what course of study or profession they decide to pursue,” says Carmen Esposito, SAA’s guidance counselor.

Xavier Smet/Unsplash

Editorial by Jerry Lutz

It is remarkable to see how God can use the least likely people to do amazing things. For example, take the apostles Peter and John. The New Testament reveals enough about their personal lives from before they knew Jesus to all but guarantee they’d be overlooked as candidates for discipleship, let alone commissioned for key leadership in His church. While these Galilean fishermen were indeed colorful individuals with as coarse and unrefined characters as they come, Jesus sdaw in them what others did not: Potential. And what potential there was!

Chad Stuart and Frank Hasel host Spencerville Adventist Churches Biblical Perspectives

Story by Spencerville Church Staff

Seventh-day Adventists have a “high” view of Scripture. We find the Bible an invaluable resource for knowing God's character as we as His plan for our lives. The Biblical Perspectives series seeks to bring our audience into a conversation on timely, relevant topics between a local church pastor, Pastor Chad Stuart, and a highly-educated theologian, Dr. Frank M. Hasel.

Editorial by Rob Gettys

Have you noticed that the older we get, the more we talk about the olden days and even relish the idea of meeting up with our “long-lost friends” again? Were things that much better back then, or is it that our memory and nostalgia makes it seem that way? Oftentimes, the things we remember most from our childhood can seem larger than life, and returning to them can seem less glamorous as we had once imagined.