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Editorial by Rick Remmers

These are five life-saving words. When each day seems to bring a heavy weight of chaos, conflict and uncertainty, these simple words of Jesus have a great impact: “I will give you rest.” He prefaces these words with an open invitation: “Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden” (Matt. 11:28, NKJV).

These words are given by the One who spoke and created the world. The One whose voice called out, “Peace, be still,” and the storm stopped and the waves were calmed. This same Jesus is the guarantor of our rest. He is willing and able to provide rest as a free gift, without reservation.


Editorial by Renée Battle-Brooks

While the COVID-19 virus continues to cause concern, I’m thankful we are finally addressing the racism virus that has infected America for hundreds of years. For many, this topic causes profound sadness, weariness, frustration and anger. For others, thinking about, talking about or dealing with racism is more frightening than facing COVID-19. And some may still be processing the issue, trying to figure out their role and response to it. But the time for sitting on the fence is over.