
Adrianna Geo/Unsplash

Editorial by Stephen Lee

I am honored to introduce our new vision and mission for the New Jersey Conference (NJC), guiding us to fulfill God’s calling. Our new vision, “A World Without Strangers,” embodies a God-given dream to create a community where everyone feels welcome, valued and loved. In Matthew 24, Jesus’ disciples ask Him about the signs of His coming. Jesus describes signs in the natural, political and religious worlds, but adds, “The end is not yet.”

Naassom Azevedo/Unsplash

Editorial by Marcellus T. Robinson

“What do you think about women in ministry?” is a question I am frequently asked. I believe the better question is, “What does Jesus think about women in ministry?” My personal study of the Bible reveals that women were always intimately involved in the life and ministry of Christ. Let’s think about it:

Rosa Parks (far right) attends an author event at the Potomac ABC in 1995.

Editorial by Paul Glenn

I once heard a customer state, “Paul’s worked at the Adventist Book Center (ABC) since nearly the beginning of time.” The ABC, indeed, was established in the Columbia Union Conference 120 years ago, but to set the record straight, I was only employed for 45 years—mostly at the Potomac ABC in Takoma Park, Md., and in its current LivingWell store in Silver Spring, Md.