
Blue Mountain Academy, Helmi Calles

Story by Esther Hernandez 

Senior Helmi Calles recently received the 2021 Susan Berry Leadership award at RingFest, held in Toledo, Ohio. The award recognizes one bell choir student each year in the North American Division who “demonstrates outstanding leadership in the art of handbells.” This is the second consecutive year that a Blue Mountain Academy (BMA) student has received this award.

Highland View Academy Together We Make A Difference

Story by Andrew S. Lay

Since the COVID-19 pandemic began in March 2020, Highland View Academy (HVA) has experienced miraculous protection from the virus on campus and among its faculty and students.

In fact, HVA has been fully open and in person since fall 2020, without any student or teaching staff contracting the disease during their time on campus. School leaders thank God for providing His protection and allowing HVA to fully function within the CDC guidelines.

Story by Courtney Dove

Kettering College is excited to announce its new partnership with the Ohio Department of Education. Beginning Fall 2022, more students will have the financial ability to obtain a nursing degree from Kettering College.

The Ohio Department of Higher Education announced on April 4, 2022 that they are awarding Kettering College funds for the use of the Choose Ohio First scholarship program (COF). Choose Ohio First is part of Ohio's strategic effort to bolster the state in the global marketplace of Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics, and Medicine (STEMM). COF awards scholarship funding to selected Ohio colleges and universities to support undergraduate and qualifying graduate students in innovative academic programs.

Story by Tamaria Kulemeka

When Wayna Gray became principal of Allegheny East Conference's Dupont Park Adventist School (DPAS) in Washington, D.C., she was delighted with the positive qualities she found in the school’s programs, faculty and students. When she noticed students coming to school without lunch, however, she was concerned.

Teachers often gave students their own lunch and bought extra snacks for those who came without anything to eat, Gray recalls. In the past, lunches were provided at a cost to students. Now, due to the pandemic, students had to bring their own lunches, leaving some at a disadvantage.