This Month's Issue

Pathfinders, New Jersey Conference, Editorial, Catherine Osorio

Editorial by Catherine Osorio

When the pandemic hit, I witnessed a decrease in youth attending church and a lack of leaders available to minister to those who remained. This afforded me the opportunity to step up and make a difference. God used Daniel and his friends to stand for their beliefs and be a powerful witness; Esther became queen and saved her people; David defeated the giant when everyone doubted him. So, why couldn’t He use me—an anxious 17-year-old—to be a Pathfinder director?

Image by D Tan from Pixabay

Story by V. Michelle Bernard

Many church members work hard to reach out to the community, but they sometimes forget to make their churches easy to locate and don’t know the best strategies to welcome visitors.

Make it easy for visitors to find your church, and find various activities within your church by using the North American Division’s clear, professional, downloadable signage templates. (Find out more here.)

Daniel Sinoca/Unsplash

Historia de V. Michelle Benard

Un estudio reciente de salud de la Universidad de Loma Linda encontró que los hombres que consumían alrededor de 430 gramos de productos lácteos por día enfrentaban un riesgo 25 % mayor de cáncer de próstata en comparación con los hombres que consumían solo 20.2 gramos de productos lácteos por día. Además, los hombres que consumían alrededor de 430 gramos de lácteos al día se enfrentaban a un aumento aún mayor del riesgo en comparación con los hombres que no consumían lácteos en sus dietas.