Pennsylvania Conference

Story by Tamyra Horst
After a day on the water, Joshua Plohocky and Rich Winget realized they had lost track of time and soon needed to head downstream quickly to make it off the river before dark.
As they prepared to leave, Plohocky got out of his kayak to remove it from a shallow rocky area. After moving it to deeper water, he slipped while entering the kayak and a little water got into the boat, but quickly got back into the kayak and the two paddled down river.
Before long, Plohocky realized that it was getting increasingly difficult to keep up with Winget and his kayak was feeling very heavy. Winget looked back and noticed the rear of the kayak was sinking. The kayak’s drain hole was sucking in water. Plohocky was paddling with over 100 pounds of water in his boat!
Jared Chandler

Story by Esther Hernandez

“[This year] has been a memorable year for the family of Blue Mountain Academy,” says Sanghae Kim, Bible teacher and pastor of the Blue Mountain Academy (BMA) church. “Due to the COVID-19 outbreak, the school closed as it was finishing a Week of Prayer. God blessed even that moment with six students getting baptized. And our spiritual revival has not stopped. Henrique Da Silva, a senior at BMA, and other leaders, started a prayer initiative each day at 9 p.m., calling for prayer for God’s protection and guidance. ... Each Wednesday a group of students meet with me online to study The Great Controversy and to pray together.”

Leah Crosby Kathleen Amadio

Story by Tamyra Horst

“Believing in the Lord was one thing; getting to know Him though has been life-changing,” shares Amanda Stevens. “I am not the same person that I was even three months ago. I have yielded my life fully to Jesus. And I love Him. I love reading the Bible and doing Bible studies. I love being around other believers and seeing His light shining through them. And I love that the Lord has provided me with a church family.”

chairs by Pexels/9149 images from pixabay

Pennsylvania Conference Staff

A special constituency session of the Pennsylvania Conference of Seventh-day Adventists will be held beginning at 9:30 a.m. on Sunday, October 11, 2020. The subject will be a new Pennsylvania Conference office headquarters building on Blue Mountain Academy Campus. The meeting will be held by videoconference and teleconference due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Regular delegates and delegates at large for the 2018 regular constituency session will serve as delegates to this special session. Further information will be sent directly to delegates on how to connect to the session.

Gary Gibbs, President

Story by Tamyra Horst

Happy 70th anniversary to David and Suzanne Elliott!

David and Suzanne Elliott were the first couple to be married at the newly built Silver Springs (Maryland) Seventh-day Adventist Church. The church sanctuary wasn’t finished by their wedding on August 24, 1950, so David built steps to the platform for his bride and folding chairs filled the sanctuary for their guests.

Suzanne recalls the first time the two met, “I was twelve and he was thirteen when he and his father came to the plumbing shop where I answered phones on Sundays. After buying some fittings, they left and he winked at me with those beautiful powder blue eyes.”