
Zaida Galva with Pastor Tim Harley at Shenandoah Valley Academy

Story by Zaida Galva (’24)

I can definitely say coming to Shenandoah Valley Academy (SVA) was a God-worked plan. My name is Zaida Galva, and I am a senior from New York City, a place where you are confronted with lots of challenges on a daily basis. City life is extremely fast-paced, and you never really have a chance to establish deep relationships with those around you. That all changed when I arrived at SVA.

Students prepare to rake leaves in Highland View Academy’s community.

Story by Rob Gettys

Highland View Academy (HVA) leaders and students are committed to serving their local com- munity. In years past, they have planned and implemented a “Week of Service” in the spring. This year, they chose to spread the service days throughout the school year to place a more consistent emphasis on serving their community.

Recently, HVA students entered the community to rake leaves, split and stack firewood, pick apples from a family orchard—located on a farm with a medical mission program that serves advanced cancer patients—and participate in many other service-related activities.

Story by Angela Peach

This school year, there is a lot happening at Spring Valley Academy (SVA). From classes during the day to an active Music Department and after-school activities such as sports and LEGO® robotics, it’s easy to stay busy as an SVA student. But the most important thing that is going on at SVA is also the heartbeat of the school: the Campus Ministries Department, led by Chaplain Joel Greve and Assistant Chaplain Nicolas Chaij.

New employees this year, both Greve and Chaij are very familiar with SVA. Greve served as an associate pastor at the Centerville church (Ohio), interfacing frequently with SVA students and ministering to their families, and Chaij is a Class of 2015 alumnus.

Story by Samuel Girven ('25)

A growing crowd milled around me, exchanging greetings and hugs—signs of friend groups reuniting. I sat alone in the lobby of Twomley Hall at Shenandoah Valley Academy (SVA). It was handshake day, and I was a new student.

Several days earlier, I moved from my native Michigan, met by the heat and humidity of Virginia, to attend SVA. It was an abrupt change from how I had envisioned my last two years of high school.